Tuesday, September 8, 2009

tak buang pon takpe

Few facts about mole/tahi lalat

1)About 1-3% of all babies have one or more moles when they are born <-- i'm included in that % too

2)Moles can be round, oval, flat, or raised <-- xde ke tahi lalat bentuk bintang?

3)Most moles are brown, but colors can range from pinkish flesh tones to yellow, dark blue, or black <-- jgn tertukar tahi lalat ngan tahi cicak atas muka anda..

4)They generally appear by the time a person is 20 <-- oow,patotla da mkin byak tahi lalat ni..

5)Changes in hormone levels that occur during puberty and pregnancy can make moles larger and darker <-- no wonder my mom had many big moles,anak da 5 kot..

6)If the moles are more than eight inches in diameter,they might develop into a potentially fatal form of skin cancer <--- fuhh,seb bek x bsar sgt tahi lalat ni..

p/s : orang tua kate tahi lalat tu pemanis muka..


bijen m. said...

letak la pulak rahsia taik lalat.
aku da dgr mcm2 da.
taik lalat kt sini ape taik lalat kt situ ape.
lawak pun ada.

limauais said...

@bijen:rahsia tahi lalat?byak sgt ah bai..haha..xleh nk caye sgt mnde nih.haha..

Bijen M. said...


limauais said...

@bijen:tau xpe..huhu..

z.a.z said...

belle wajib bace entri ko nih..

bijen m. said...

tapi ade jer ramalan tu yang kene.
kebetulan saje.
cth taik lalat di bawah bahu kiri maksudnya akan keracunan blablbla.
aku mmg ada gastrik.
byk lg la yg terkena.

limauais said...

@zureen:haha..tu ah psal.bel byak tahi lalat..

@bijen:ye kew?kebetulan kot.tahi lalat di bahu kanan <-- rajin..ak pemalas..x betol ni ramalan..haha..